Trip to the ER

A phone call from the emergency room quickly alerted me to the fact that my budding ballerina, Molly, had cut her foot. This evening as she was dancing through the house in preparation for bed she passed a magazine rack and a metal edge caught her foot, making a long gash between her pinkie toe and its neighbor. 

This is not the first trip to the emergency room for my daughter Margaret and her children. Five year old Will has had stitches a couple of times and a broken arm, so he was familiar with what Molly was facing as they raced to the hospital. 

Will’s little mind must have had multiple thoughts swirling around as he reflected on his previous trips to the ER, but what came out of his mouth were precious words of love, kindness and compassion. As he sat wringing his hands in apprehension he said, “Molly, you can squeeze my thumb when it hurts.” These were soothing words he had probably heard before which had brought him comfort in a time of pain.

Scripture tells us that good can come from our sufferings because we are able to help others going through similar things. Isn’t that what Will was doing for his little sister? He was bringing her comfort that he had gained out of his past experiences. 

What have you experienced that might be used to bring comfort to others who are going through similar situations? Will you step out in faith and allow God to use you to help someone else?

By the way, Molly is going to be fine and will be back to dancing soon. There was no damage to tendons or muscle and they were able to “super glue” the wound back together. Ahhhh …the miracles of modern medicine!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.


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