
Everyone I know is busy. They may be busy doing good things, but we simply live in a fast paced world that at times seems to be spinning out of control. Even my 85 year old mother says that she is too busy, but to be honest I was kind of hoping that when I am her age, I would have time to sit back and relax a little bit.

Many of the young adults that I know are working two jobs, trying to maintain friendships, develop relationships while trying to work out so they will be physically healthy and still have time to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. 

This week, my life too has been extremely hectic.
  • It started on Saturday when I went skiing in the morning, then rushed home to prepare food for church the next day and cleaned the house for visitors arriving soon.
  • Sunday afternoon I worked on writing some blogs, fixed and delivered food to someone for our church meals ministry, then prepared food for small group which I attended that evening.
  • Monday another meal was cooked for a family with a newborn and a lesson prepared for Bible study.
  • Tuesday the Young Life leaders met at my house for a study with yet another dinner prepared for the young women.
  • Wednesday I met with the women’s ministry team regarding the upcoming Priscilla Shirer Simulcast and met friends from Florida and Summit County for dinner.
  • Thursday I called most of the churches in Summit County about the Simulcast and got ready for a guest to stay with me for the night.

Now this might not seem like much, but I am also working a 40 hour week and I am tired. Each of those things in itself is a good thing, but is it the best thing? Is it really what God wants me to be doing? I’m not so sure.

C.S. Lewis, in the imaginary letters written by the senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood says, “We must do everything we can to make sure that these humans do not believe in Jesus. And if they do believe then make them lukewarm and too busy with other things to be of any use to him.” I think there is a lot of truth in this statement. 

When we are too busy we don’t have time for the really important things like praying, studying, basking in His presence, and simply being still. Often we have done so much during our day, that at night we just fall into bed so exhausted, only to awaken the next morning to start it all over again. 

My prayer this night is “Lord help me to be discerning about the things that are truly important. Show me what You want me to do each day and help me to always have time to rest in Your presence in order to become the person that You created me to be. I pray that I will not let busyness rob me of the best You have planned for my life.” 

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”


Margaret said…
I needed to hear this today. Thanks Mom :) Love you

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