
Showing posts from October, 2015

Unforgiving Granny

It had probably been over thirty years, but someone would “not let it go.” The child had some "pocket change" and went into the store to buy a candy bar. When she arrived back at the car, her grandmother greeted her with, "Where's mine?" The child had long forgotten the incident, but apparently the granny hadn't, because many years later the now young woman was being scolded for not offering to buy a candy bar for her, by the words "Do you remember when???"? Do you hang on to the past? Do you harbor resentment? Do you have an unforgiving spirit? Do you cling to hurtful words and play them over and over again in your head? If you do any of these things, do you realize that the only person that you are hurting is yourself? In fact the other person may not even realize that you are bitter over the long ago incident. Our lives will be much happier if we let bygones be bygones and don’t rehash them at every opportunity.   Unforgivenes


The plate filled with goodies was placed at my desk. It was left over from a birthday celebration and had yummy cupcakes and cream filled cookies. The temptation was almost too risky to sit there for long as people meandered by and picked up the treats. Just as I was about to succumb to the temptation in front of me, I made the decision to remove them and place them in a more appropriate place for two reasons--the kitchen is where most people would go looking for treats and second, they wouldn't be within my reach or sight. The temptation would not be as tempting. We must do the same thing with any type of enticement, whether it is food or sex or shopping or gossip or anger or you name it. We are told to flee from immorality, the love of money, idolatry and all evil desires of youth. That means don't hang around those things or put yourself in the place where it can get a grip on you. God promises in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that No  tempt ation has overtaken yo

"We Have Them Right Where We Want Them"

The coach was told that the players liked him better than the other coaches. Upon delving deeper to find out why, he discovered that it was because he was an encourager. However there was a caveat; it was a little strange to the players when the team was down by six runs and he would tell them, "We have them right where we want them." Who in their right mind would think that was the best scenario? The other team would seem to have the upper hand in that situation. In a little league baseball game that statement probably does seem out of place, but with God, the impossible is always possible. When according to our finite minds, situations or circumstances look impossible that's the exact place where God can prove His dominance, His authority and His omnipotence. When we look at life through human eyes, we might despair, but when we look through the eyes of Almighty God, there is always room for a miracle. In His Word, God assures us that He is capable of doin

Snake in the Road

Morning walks are my favorites. The world seems fresh and new. The sun peeks over the mountain, the cool night air still lingers, the animals are awake and busily starting their morning routine. That's why the sight alarmed me. Everything else was perfection until I spotted the curled ribbon along the way. It startled me at first, but after a closer look, I realized the snake was not alive, but had been run over and thus destroyed its power to harm or even frighten me anymore. These days, all we have to do is turn on the morning news to hear how rampant Satan is in the world today. The mass murders, the disasters, the financial crisis all make it seem that God has lost all control and that the enemy is winning, but the dead snake in the road served as a reminder that he has already been defeated; his fate has been sealed and even though he can still cause havoc, his time is short. Jesus will return in power and in glory to rule for all eternity while Satan will be thrown

The Words We Say

How often do we say words without thinking of the way that they might affect someone else? How often have someone else's words affected us for good as well as to hurt us in some way? A decade or more I was speaking to a friend that I rarely see. She had been in a car accident and was struggling with the slow and sometimes painful healing process.  A simple statement was made, "God knit you together before you were born, so He can knit you together again."  I had long forgotten those words of encouragement that had been spoken, but my friend didn't. In fact she would need them even more when she struggled with her breast cancer. She said that simple truth had helped her get through the tough days and times.  Often times we think we have to speak a discourse to people, when all they might need are just a few short words spoken.  Lord may my words be ones of encouragement; may they be spoken with love; and may they be few in number, but

The View vs The View

The popular TV show The View has celebrity hosts discussing the issues of the day. Most of the time I disagree with the views of the women discussing the topics, but there is one view I don’t have any qualms with…it is “the view” from my bathroom window. The panoramic view I awaken to each morning displays the vast array of beauty that God has created. The view can look vastly different depending on the season of the year. When we first moved in, the leaves had just fallen from the trees, so the mountain was in clear view with just the bare branches against the backdrop. As winter set in the snow blanketed mountain would reflect the morning rays of sunshine to greet me each day. And then in spring the leaves popped open covering the mountain from view and spreading shade from the western sun. And now in the fall of the year the green is draining from Aspen leaves and turning them to gold. I love that bathroom window, but just as the view has changed over the last year,

Lucky Charms and Magic Genies

After applying for a new job which seemed to be a perfect fit for my skills, talents and desires I told a few people about it, so as I went through the interview process they prayed and provided encouragement to me. On the day of one of the interviews a friend brought me a card with a lovely pocket cross in it—to take with me. I felt confident in the process, so it was just a waiting game. Eventually I heard the news that someone else had been offered the position. Although I was a little surprised and a bit disappointed, I also knew that if God had wanted me to have the job, He would have placed me in it. Next came the difficult part, explaining to friends that I didn’t get the job. First the friend who had given me the pocket cross. Her response was, “Well it didn’t work.” But I quickly responded, “Oh yes it did. God must not have wanted me in the new role.” The next day another friend called to check and see if I had heard anything and when I told her the news, sh