Unforgiving Granny

It had probably been over thirty years, but someone would “not let it go.” The child had some "pocket change" and went into the store to buy a candy bar. When she arrived back at the car, her grandmother greeted her with, "Where's mine?"

The child had long forgotten the incident, but apparently the granny hadn't, because many years later the now young woman was being scolded for not offering to buy a candy bar for her, by the words "Do you remember when???"?

Do you hang on to the past? Do you harbor resentment? Do you have an unforgiving spirit? Do you cling to hurtful words and play them over and over again in your head?

If you do any of these things, do you realize that the only person that you are hurting is yourself? In fact the other person may not even realize that you are bitter over the long ago incident. Our lives will be much happier if we let bygones be bygones and don’t rehash them at every opportunity.
Unforgiveness over a silly candy bar seems small and petty especially compared to larger offences like an affair, abuse, theft, a death, and so many other things that could potentially wreak havoc in our life for years to come. But there are people who can’t move beyond the hurts and heartaches caused by those things and forgive.

So why do some people forgive easily and others hang onto the slightest hurts?

I believe that it just might have something to do with Jesus. If someone realizes the forgiveness that Jesus has provided to them, they are much more likely to forgive others quickly and easily.

How are you doing in the forgiving area of your life? Is there anything you need to change? If so, what step will you take today?

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


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