
Showing posts from March, 2017

Glorious Day

I am fortunate enough to live in a most glorious place--a place where people travel across the world to vacation and play in my backyard. Today was a blue-sky day with mild spring temperatures where you could do just about anything you wanted from skiing to biking and the weather permitted it all. Biking was my choice and my leisurely pace was fast enough to get where I was going, but slow enough to enjoy the surroundings. Apparently, it was not appropriate for an impatient driver. I had heard him screeching through the parking lot as he pulled toward the street, but I continued on for about ten more feet before glancing over my shoulder to turn into our parking garage. The irate driver was on the wrong side of the road passing me by and from what others who watched in amazement said, he was not at all happy with my speed.   After my initial response, I had to laugh and wonder what possibly could have made him so unhappy that a granny riding her bike could ruin his day. Had

Changes to My Routine

Our days are filled with things that are done habitually. We set our alarm to wake up and get started on our important tasks. We brush our teeth without thinking about it. We switch on the morning news because that's what we do each day. We make our coffee or drink our tea. And on and on it goes. Every morning I put on four things--2 rings, my watch and my cross necklace. For years I did this routine mechanically without thinking. These four objects are important to me, my wedding ring, my faith ring, my watch and my cross. Now I take a moment to stop and pray as I get dressed.   Putting on my watch I pray something like this, "Lord thank you for another day; please help me to use it for Your glory. Show me how to use the time that you have given me wisely and help me to be salt and light as I go my way." As I slip on my Wedding Ring I might pray, "Lord thank you for my husband. Be with him today and protect him. Help him to seek You with all his being.