
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Joy Before Us

The 5 AM flight seemed like torture. Why had we booked such an early morning flight? We hadn't thought through the fact that the wakeup call would be at 3 AM and that the shuttle would leave at 3:30 in the morning and that we would have to be at the airport by 4. However we were probably thinking of what we had to look forward to upon our arrival in Houston-3 of our grandchildren would be awaiting our visit and bring us great joy. Now our suffering was nothing in compared to the torture that Jesus went through when He faced the excruciating pain on the cross, but He was willing to do it for us because He could see beyond the immediate pain He had to endure to the future that He would have in fellowship with each of His children when He returned to heaven. I think that's what this Bible verse is describing: Hebrews 12:2 For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Dreaded Phone Calls

Early morning and late night phone calls are not usually a good sign, especially when it’s Mother calling. And this morning that thought held true. There was no “breaking news” announcement on TV, but there were hearts breaking. Beloved Uncle Warren had departed from this earth and heaven was filled with rejoicing.   This special man and my daddy were the youngest of eight children, so they were always close, sharing a room, experiences and mischief. The tales of fusses and fights mixed with fun and forgiveness were shared by the two. Uncle Warren was a man who lived life well. He was a good husband and father, a good brother and friend, a successful business man and a faithful follower of His Heavenly Father. He was the type of person who personified Jesus. He had struggles and hardships like we all do, but he always kept his eyes on His Savior and the hope that He provided. He served as a member of Gideon’s International, providing Bibles to hotels, prisons, scho

Sensory Overload

Overload...once again I have been to Houston, the third largest city in our country and once again I am in sensory overload. From dance recitals to swimming, from baseball practices to school plays, from shopping to eating. I left filled with joy, yet exhausted. Each time I'm in the big city it makes me appreciate the small community where I live with less than 10 stop lights from one end of the county to the other and a much slower pace of life. I think the thing that bothered me the most was hearing the frenzied panic in the voices of the mothers at the dance recital making up the beautiful innocent faces of their tiny little girls as though they were stars on Broadway. And during the quick change between performances even I heard one mother say that she couldn't even enjoy the program because of the hubbub behind the scenes...a sad but true statement for more than just the one. And then there was the talk when it was over regarding the next classes--would it be

Happy Double Digits

William Wright Murphy born May 17, 2005 Will, how I remember the day that you were born. It's hard to imagine that it has been 10 years. We were all so excited with anticipation of the precious little baby boy who had entered the world and  I must say that you have not disappointed us. So on this your tenth birthday I want to share with the five things I love most about you and the five things I desire most for you. * You enjoy learning about whatever you are interested in, you seek to find out more about it, even becoming an expert. * You are insightful and often see things in a deeper way than other people. * You are a good big brother to Molly and Griffin.  You are a good friend to all people and want to include everyone. * You are loving, caring and compassionate. * You are fun. The things I desire for you: * That you will love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. * That you will be a man of integrity, always making the right choices.

Grumbling Griffin

It’s hard to imagine that the little cutie in the picture could be so angry, but Griffin was mad as an old wet hen…at me. I was o nly trying to make sure he was safe, but he saw it as a hindrance to his independence. At Spring Break, the kids were visiting us for a ski vacation, but Griffin was too young to go to ski school, so we took him out to play while the others were getting their ski legs under them. We rode the short gondola in Beaver Creek to the Magic Carpet area. I thought Griffin might like to slide down the slippery slope from the top of the moving sidewalk. So I grabbed onto the back of Griffin's jacket so he didn't fall while getting on and riding up the hill. He didn't like it one bit and even caused the moving belt to stop as we were exiting due to the struggle, but I was able to make amends by helping him slide down the hill on his belly. Once down he wanted to return to the top again, but this time as he was approaching the Magic Carpet, he ha