Sensory Overload

Overload...once again I have been to Houston, the third largest city in our country and once again I am in sensory overload. From dance recitals to swimming, from baseball practices to school plays, from shopping to eating. I left filled with joy, yet exhausted.

Each time I'm in the big city it makes me appreciate the small community where I live with less than 10 stop lights from one end of the county to the other and a much slower pace of life.

I think the thing that bothered me the most was hearing the frenzied panic in the voices of the mothers at the dance recital making up the beautiful innocent faces of their tiny little girls as though they were stars on Broadway. And during the quick change between performances even I heard one mother say that she couldn't even enjoy the program because of the hubbub behind the scenes...a sad but true statement for more than just the one.
And then there was the talk when it was over regarding the next classes--would it be tap, or jazz or ballet or hip hop? Would the child be on swim team or going to cheerleading camp in the coming months? Would they be in the intensive one week course or the summer long session? On and on it went and the more my head was swimming from the talk and how thankful I was that my own children were grown and I didn't have to make those decisions.
What ever happened to the slower pace of years gone by when children could be kids and just play Hide and Go Seek, make mud pies and build forts in the backyard? I may just be old fashioned, but I don’t like the fact that we live life in the fast lane and don't have time to slow down and smell the roses. We are so busy with activities that we don't have enough time to just live. Kids as well as adults need to be quiet not just for our sanity but to develop our relationship with the Lord. If we are too busy our devotional time will be lacking, our prayer life will suffer and our service will falter.
Will you join me in taking time to be still, be quiet and bask in the Lord instead of being caught up in the rat race of life?
Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.


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