
Showing posts from 2014

Warning! Warning! Are You Listening?

Repairs had been made on the fire alarm and sprinkler system for months in the building where I work. Tests would be run periodically either by manual methods of pushing buttons or by the main controls to see of the system was operational. About two weeks ago all systems were good to go, so the workmen packed up their equipment after the long stint of replacing the entire unit. Finally we would have things back to normal without the flashing of lights and loud warning going off. However on Monday when the alarm went off we discovered that we had become calloused and complacent to the sound meant to protect us. The computerized voice kept telling us that we were in danger and that we should exit the building, but instead of obeying people were milling around wondering if there really was an emergency. After a few minutes most of us at least walked toward the door to try and discern if the building were really on fire. It wasn't, but the alarm had gone off due to smoke from a

Farewell 2014...Welcome 2015

As the year winds down, I can't help but look back to see God's goodness, faithfulness and provision. The last 12 months have been a whirlwind; we sold our home of ten years, moved twice, was given a promotion at work, went to Israel and are awaiting the arrival of our fourth grandchild. The sale of the house was difficult, but God's fingerprints were all over it, bringing just the right buyer at just the right time. He then provided a wonderful friend who let us stay in her place in Beaver Creek for 6 months while deciding what was next. We felt as though we were on vacation just one block from the heart of the Village even though we went to work each day. Less than a week before traveling to Israel at the end of October, we moved to a more permanent place getting everything out of storage and feeling somewhat settled. The life changing trip to the Holy Land was fast and furious for the time we were gone, but my Bible will never be the same because of what I saw, hea

The Heavenly Conversation

I used to wonder and imagine what the conversation would have been like in heaven before Jesus was sent to earth by His Father. Would it have sounded something like this in the glorious throne room of the ruler of the universe? The Father asked Jesus, “How would you feel about doing something for me?” Jesus would have responded quickly, “Of course dad. You know I would do anything for you. What do you need?” The Father hesitated for just a moment before answering and then asked: “Would you go down to earth on a mission for me?” At that point, Jesus might have questioned what type of mission. “Well,” explained the Father, “those humans that we created need some help and you are the only one who can do it. You see, I need for you to go down to earth as a baby, born to a poor family who love me. They will raise you in a good home and then when you are grown you will teach others about me.” Was Jesus surprised that he was expected to go to leave heaven for su

Planning and Preparing for a Baby

My daughter is having the long awaited baby. After her many health issues and previous miscarriages “our” baby should be born on or before January 8 th . There have been prayer after prayer offered on his behalf. There have been doctor’s appointments, and more doctor’s appointments. There has been healthy eating taking place. There was a list of items needed and a baby shower held, with wonderful items, some specially made, some fun and others practical that were given. The nursery is completed and the rocking chair has been slipcovered. Now we wait for the precious arrival with the planning and preparations finished. This time of year, you are probably busy with your planning and preparations for the Christmas season. You’ve probably made travel plans, purchased gifts, bake holiday goodies, mailed cards and hopefully thought about the birth of Jesus, the true meaning of the season. God the Father had lots of planning and preparations to be done for the birth of His

Is a Goliath Looming in Your Life?

The two toned smooth river rock was picked up from the very area where David killed Goliath. We were in the valley surrounded by mountains when the tour leader pointed out the hill where the Philistine army would have been camped and then turning about 180 degrees he showed us where the fearful Israelites would have been trying to figure out what to do about the giant who was taunting them day after day. And then he showed us the direction David would have come while on the errand for his father when he learned of the dilemma facing his brothers and his nation. The grown army men were dismayed and terrified, but the teenage shepherd was not afraid in the least. The others were looking down at the problem, but David was looking up. God had been preparing him for years for this moment and he was ready physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We were encouraged to pick up a rock from the stream bed as a reminder that if God can use a slingshot, a smooth stone and

The Joy of People

People make life so interesting. Not just to pass them on the street and be uninvolved with them, but to get to know them and hear their story. I've always said everyone has a story to tell about a defining thing in their life and the older I get and the more people I encounter I know it is true. While visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulcher I was off taking pictures while listening to our guide. As I approached the crowd, I was interested to discover that a new person had joined our group and was listening intently to the speaker. When he had dismissed the group to give us time to explore the area, I approached the young woman. She was Chinese, born in Taiwan, living in California who had come to Israel as a missionary for a few months. As we chatted she informed me that her family had allowed her to travel with little money and no real agenda, but to see where and what God had planned for her. She was excited to find our group because she had begun her day by prayi

Walking Where Jesus Walked

While in Israel I walked where Jesus walked. I went to Capernaum and saw Peter's house and then to the temple just steps away. Did I touch the same dirt, breathe the same air, and see the same stones that Jesus had? Possibly. But does it really matter of it is the actually the exact spot? Not really. Just being in the area where Jesus had His earthly ministry is life changing. To see the places where important events took place help you to better visualize your Bible. Before going on my trip I had been told that a journey to Israel would make my Bible like a pop-up book instead of flat pages and it's true. Now as I read, I can place myself in places that we saw. Often throughout Israel churches have been built directly on the site where something important happened, but the structure built where Peter's house is believed to have been is raised above the site so you can actually look down on the home where Jesus may have performed the miracles. It's much l

Duck and Cover

While on the plane going to Israel a lady who was clearly an Israeli was sitting next to me. She had boarded the plane fully prepared for the long flight by  immediately putting on her bedroom slippers and mask in anticipation of the overnight journey. However when dinner was served I couldn't resist starting up a conversation. The lady was returning home from visiting her son in the US and was happy to share information about her trip and her country. She informed me that I should be sure to eat the white cheese and to drink tea with nana, which I later found out was mint. She wanted to be sure I would be going to the Holocaust Memorial and float in the Dead Sea. As the conversation was winding down I asked her what the most important thing to know regarding safety. Now I must say I was not expecting the answer I got. She told me that if I saw a bomb coming toward me to run to the closest building and duck and cover. I had been thinking more about pickpockets than