
Showing posts from September, 2017

Leap of Faith

Why was I jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? My bucket List, of course. I had always wanted to sky dive and didn't want to be as old as Bush 41 when I did it. My life was in the hands of a complete stranger. Oh yes, I met him just minutes before being strapped together with him to jump out of an airplane. So how did I come to grips with it? Research had been done to ensure that I was going to the best facility with quality and qualified people who would be in charge. The reputation was there. Check. Another factor was having people with me for support and encouragement. Check. Upon meeting my instructor, Mike, there was a tinge of disappointment. The others were young and fit, mine was older and not as fit, but he quickly won me over by trying to scare me. I didn't budge in my dedication to take the leap, but came right back with rebuttals to his comments. That seemed to be the turning point and he decided to make it the event of a lifetime for me.