
Showing posts from 2017

Leap of Faith

Why was I jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? My bucket List, of course. I had always wanted to sky dive and didn't want to be as old as Bush 41 when I did it. My life was in the hands of a complete stranger. Oh yes, I met him just minutes before being strapped together with him to jump out of an airplane. So how did I come to grips with it? Research had been done to ensure that I was going to the best facility with quality and qualified people who would be in charge. The reputation was there. Check. Another factor was having people with me for support and encouragement. Check. Upon meeting my instructor, Mike, there was a tinge of disappointment. The others were young and fit, mine was older and not as fit, but he quickly won me over by trying to scare me. I didn't budge in my dedication to take the leap, but came right back with rebuttals to his comments. That seemed to be the turning point and he decided to make it the event of a lifetime for me.

Hatred Eclipsed

Did you notice how just for a moment on Monday, August 21 during the eclipse there was no hatred expressed? Instead everyone was mesmerized by the sky. The view of the sun being covered over with darkness was the buzz. From questions about the glasses, where you would be watching, other devices that could be used and the way the leaves were shaped like a crescent....No one had time for hatred for a brief few minutes. Not everyone was able to see the sight in person. My 91 year old mother didn't have the glasses and wouldn't have wanted to view it alone. She couldn't get to the museum where they were having an Eclipse Watching Party so she determined she would just watch it on TV with a better vantage point.  In order to make the best of the lonely situation, mother continued the conversation by saying that even though this once in a lifetime event had occurred, she sees the glory of God each and everyday--when the sun rises, when a flower blooms, when a hummingbird b

Are You Dead?

As I left for my morning hike, my husband interjected, "Watch out for the mountain lions." Now that thought had not crossed my mind-bears yes, mountain lions no. Midway up the mountain something caught my eye, not a moving living creature, but a carcass. It was not a fresh recent kill, but had been there for at least one winter.   The dry bones reminded me of a recent conversation with a friend who had confided that she felt dead inside. I don't think she is alone. There are probably many who feel that way, but are just not honest and open enough to admit it. The feeling of death may come from a loss, depression, failure, fear or a plethora of other things, but it is a real feeling. What can be done about it? The thoughts in my mind led me to the passage in Ezekiel 37 where God guides the prophet to a valley filled with dry bones. Through the series of conversations and actions between Ezekiel and God the bones came together and tendons, flesh and skin appeare

Glorious Day

I am fortunate enough to live in a most glorious place--a place where people travel across the world to vacation and play in my backyard. Today was a blue-sky day with mild spring temperatures where you could do just about anything you wanted from skiing to biking and the weather permitted it all. Biking was my choice and my leisurely pace was fast enough to get where I was going, but slow enough to enjoy the surroundings. Apparently, it was not appropriate for an impatient driver. I had heard him screeching through the parking lot as he pulled toward the street, but I continued on for about ten more feet before glancing over my shoulder to turn into our parking garage. The irate driver was on the wrong side of the road passing me by and from what others who watched in amazement said, he was not at all happy with my speed.   After my initial response, I had to laugh and wonder what possibly could have made him so unhappy that a granny riding her bike could ruin his day. Had

Changes to My Routine

Our days are filled with things that are done habitually. We set our alarm to wake up and get started on our important tasks. We brush our teeth without thinking about it. We switch on the morning news because that's what we do each day. We make our coffee or drink our tea. And on and on it goes. Every morning I put on four things--2 rings, my watch and my cross necklace. For years I did this routine mechanically without thinking. These four objects are important to me, my wedding ring, my faith ring, my watch and my cross. Now I take a moment to stop and pray as I get dressed.   Putting on my watch I pray something like this, "Lord thank you for another day; please help me to use it for Your glory. Show me how to use the time that you have given me wisely and help me to be salt and light as I go my way." As I slip on my Wedding Ring I might pray, "Lord thank you for my husband. Be with him today and protect him. Help him to seek You with all his being.

Peas Please

Grumps and I were keeping the kids while the parents were taking a well-deserved break for a couple of days. We would be celebrating New Years with the children and we needed to devise a behavior plan. Each started off with one pea and they would either earn peas for good behavior or have them taken away when they didn't mind. Peas were earned for showering and getting ready for bed first, for turning off the Xbox when told, for showing appreciation for something nice, even for sticking with us like glue. Peas were taken away when they couldn't get along or didn't follow instructions. The system worked because everyone wanted the prize. Most people think that God operates that way with rewards and debits for our behavior and if we have enough rewards at the end of our lives, then we get to go to heaven, the ultimate reward. But I'm so glad I don't have to collect peas or anything else to earn God's favor. There is no ledger sheet or collection jar