
Showing posts from September, 2016

Cries of Desperation

Olgie! Olgieee!!!! OLGIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Those were the screams I heard coming from behind the closed door of Thomas’ bedroom just after putting him down. I knew that he was tired and that it was his bedtime. If he had just been crying or fussing or acting like he wasn’t ready for bed, I might have resisted the pleas. But he was calling my name; he wanted me and he sounded desperate. So I went to him to comfort him and let him know that I was there for him. Did I have to do it? Absolutely not. Did I want to do it? Yes, because he is mine and I love him. I wonder if how we approach God matters to Him. If we go to Him just whining and complaining about things, does that encourage Him to want to listen to us? If we only go to Him asking for things, does He look forward to our time together? But if we go calling His name because of our love for Him, is He pleased to answer our cry? I believe so. God always loves those of us who belong to Him. He desires to spend time with those who

Some Things You Just Know

The envelope arrived written in blue crayon; the one name Olgie scrawled on it. The only thing inside was a beautifully colored Bible verse. Molly knew who the letter was supposed to be delivered to and assumed everyone else would too.   When I received it there was no question as to who it was from even though there was no signature or return address. When you know someone so well, no explanation is necessary. When I go to God in prayer, worship or even in solitude I don't have to tell Him who I am and explain why I'm there; He already knows. And I don't have to guess if He will listen to me because I already know He will. When you know someone, care about them and love them things are different than with someone that you know casually or is only an acquaintance. When I thanked Molly for the lovely picture, she didn't ask me how I knew it was from her, because I knew where she got the coloring sheet; I knew how artistic she is; I recogni