
Showing posts from January, 2015

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

Most of us probably remember the TV commercial where the older woman cries out, "I've fallen and can't get up." It then urges the viewer to purchase a system which would monitor situations like hers. Recently several friends and I went to see the Vail Skating Club Program. There were clowns, lions and elephants gliding across the ice for the "Big Top" theme for a night filled with fun. The kids participating in the show were prepared, skilled and trained in their routines. However a couple of the skaters took a tumble when performing their ice skating routine. The look on their faces told the story. They were disappointed and they wanted off the ice because of humiliation, but not one of them gave in to those feelings. Instead they got up, jumped right back into the choreographed routine and plastered a beautiful smile on their face to complete the performance. Each of us have times when we stumble and fall. Times like these make us want to gi

Already a Troublemaker

It's hard to imagine that 4 day old Thomas had already been labeled a troublemaker, but he shut down the entire hospital 5 times. The elevators came to a halt and the doors exiting the massive building were locked down, all because he kept kicking off his security monitor.   Due to the risk of theft of newborn's most hospitals put a device on the infants to inform security if a baby is too close to an exit or if someone has removed the reporting instrument. Apparently Tommy didn't like his and was trying to pull a Houdini and escape from the hospital, with little respect for others who were impacted by his behavior. :)   At first I didn't like hearing that he was a troublemaker, especially at such an early age, however I realized that he is in good company. His namesake grandfather was probably labeled something similar and maybe even his great grandfather too.   In the Bible, we see lots of troublemakers, including: Abraham the liar Moses th

Birth or Rebirth

How can anyone experience the miracle of birth and not believe in the Divine Creator? When you think that two minuscule groups of cells join together and then grow and multiply forming hearts and lungs, a skeletal system, fingers and toes in just the right places, it is not just something that could have "just happened." It had to have been intricately designed by an all knowing, all powerful, creative God, because if one thing had been left out or forgotten there would be no baby. Yes, there is definitely a miracle each and every time a new baby is born. We saw that on January 9 when Thomas Froeschle Blake arrived in this world weighing 5 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. But there is another miracle of new birth that can's when a person comes to know Jesus as their Savior. God takes a sinner and begins the transformation of their lives. Whether is it a foul mouth, sinful desires and thoughts, a heart filled with hatred, jealousy, unfo

Counted Any Sheep Lately?

Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Most of us can answer yes to that question even if it is not a very frequent occurrence. Why do we have this problem? Top three reasons include: Too much caffeine Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, snoring or narcolepsy. Stress A friend a work told me that she had been counting a lot of sheep lately trying to put herself to sleep. It didn't sound like it had been very successful, so I thought I would share a few things that help me when I'm having trouble with catching up on my zzzzzzs and they all involve the abc's. Praise God for His attributes using the alphabet (Almighty, Bread of Life, Creator, Deliverer, Everlasting, Forgiveness, etc.) See if you can remember a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet (All we like sheep have gone astray, Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, Count it all joy when trials come your way, Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked, e