Already a Troublemaker

It's hard to imagine that 4 day old Thomas had already been labeled a troublemaker, but he shut down the entire hospital 5 times. The elevators came to a halt and the doors exiting the massive building were locked down, all because he kept kicking off his security monitor.
Due to the risk of theft of newborn's most hospitals put a device on the infants to inform security if a baby is too close to an exit or if someone has removed the reporting instrument. Apparently Tommy didn't like his and was trying to pull a Houdini and escape from the hospital, with little respect for others who were impacted by his behavior. :)
At first I didn't like hearing that he was a troublemaker, especially at such an early age, however I realized that he is in good company. His namesake grandfather was probably labeled something similar and maybe even his great grandfather too.
In the Bible, we see lots of troublemakers, including:
  • Abraham the liar
  • Moses the murderer
  • David the adulterer
  • Jacob the deceiver
  • Jonah the runaway
  • Gideon the scared
  • Rahab the harlot
  • Peter the impulsive

This is just a handful of the troublemakers we read about in scripture, but the beautiful thing is that God still loved them and used them for His plans and purpose.

During the week following Tommy has had other labels attached to him. Terrific Tommy (since he is pretty wonderful), touchdown Tommy (when he sleeps holding his arms up in the air signaling a touchdown), Tooting Tommy (well I think you understand this one).

I'm sure there will be many more labels attached to little Tommy throughout the years. But the ones I will look forward to him experiencing most include: God's beloved child, accepted, chosen,  redeemed, free, blessed, and forgiven, all which will be labels that God will give to him when little Tommy chooses to accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for him.
Ephesians 1:4 For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.


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