Is a Goliath Looming in Your Life?

The two toned smooth river rock was picked up from the very area where David killed Goliath.

We were in the valley surrounded by mountains when the tour leader pointed out the hill where the Philistine army would have been camped and then turning about 180 degrees he showed us where the fearful Israelites would have been trying to figure out what to do about the giant who was taunting them day after day. And then he showed us the direction David would have come while on the errand for his father when he learned of the dilemma facing his brothers and his nation.

The grown army men were dismayed and terrified, but the teenage shepherd was not afraid in the least. The others were looking down at the problem, but David was looking up. God had been preparing him for years for this moment and he was ready physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

We were encouraged to pick up a rock from the stream bed as a reminder that if God can use a slingshot, a smooth stone and a young man to kill a giant He is capable of handling any "giant" in our life.

So what is the giant you are facing? Is it a health issue? Is it a financial situation? Is it a family problem? Is it something at work? Is it a combination of things piling up as a towering giant? Whatever it is, our God is big enough to slay that giant.

You might not be able to pick up a rock from the valley in Israel, but maybe you should look for another one that will serve as a reminder of God's power to care for any and everything you are facing.

1 Samuel 17:45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."


Kellie said…
Thanks for the reminder! ;-)

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