The Joy of People

People make life so interesting. Not just to pass them on the street and be uninvolved with them, but to get to know them and hear their story. I've always said everyone has a story to tell about a defining thing in their life and the older I get and the more people I encounter I know it is true.

While visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulcher I was off taking pictures while listening to our guide. As I approached the crowd, I was interested to discover that a new person had joined our group and was listening intently to the speaker. When he had dismissed the group to give us time to explore the area, I approached the young woman.

She was Chinese, born in Taiwan, living in California who had come to Israel as a missionary for a few months. As we chatted she informed me that her family had allowed her to travel with little money and no real agenda, but to see where and what God had planned for her. She was excited to find our group because she had begun her day by praying that she would meet some English speaking people, so she would be able to communicate.

She continued telling me how earlier that week she had been invited to take a drive with someone, unknowing the ultimate destination. It was the Jordan River and she was able to get baptized while there. What an adventure to get up each day not knowing who you would encounter, or where you would end up!

She had also been able to share the Gospel of Jesus with Jews and Muslims along the way and now she was enriching my life. Her story was fascinating.

I'm a planner and like to know upcoming details, but I have determined that I want to be more like Eden Chein, dependent on God for instructions.

Thank you Lord for putting this young woman in my path and showing me that You can be trusted to weave the details of our life with Your perfection to bring joy to others.

Isaiah 12:2 “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song. And He has become my salvation.”


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