
Showing posts from October, 2010


Halloween is a day for children of all ages to dress up and pretend to be someone or something that they are not. They may be princesses or pirates, superheroes or skeletons, clowns or cowboys, but no matter what they choose to be for that one special day, it is just make-believe. And no matter how hard they try to play the part, the next day they will go back to being the children that they really are.  You know kids are not the only ones who pretend; adults do it every day when they put on their masks and act as if they are someone that they are not. Although these masks are not visible they are still real. Some put on their mask and pretend to be rich, famous or successful. Most people would not give others the impression that they are lonely but instead prefer to present the façade that they have lots of friends. Insecure people may go to extreme measures to show how confident they are, maybe even hurting people along the way, pushing them to the side or putting them down tryin

Good Friday Night

It’s funny what adults assume the components of a “good night” should include, but through the eyes of a child it might not be at all what we visualize. We tend to believe that we have to entertain them and spend money by taking them out to do something special, maybe to a movie or out to dinner or going to play Putt-Putt in order for them to have a fun evening.  It was a Friday night; a night to begin the relaxation of the weekend and the afternoon had been pretty run of the mill. We had picked the kids up from school, had made a trip to Wal-Mart and then upon arriving home, sat outside on one of the cool October evenings in Houston, conversing with the neighbors while the kids played with the Halloween decorations in the yard next door. After returning home to settle in for the evening, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were made for dinner and Caillou was the TV show of the evening. Margaret, Billy, Will, Molly and I were just hanging out in a house that was filled with boxes

Fall Color

Since the first snow has fallen it seems that the fall colors will soon be just a memory, so I thought you might enjoy revisiting the beauty of it. Acts 14:17 Yet He has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.

"Nuts" in the News

While waiting at the airport for my flight the TV was showing the news for the day. It included these things: Randy Quaid goes to Canada to escape the consequences of his law-breaking in the US Clarence Thomas has a pornography addiction Charlie Sheen’s mayhem  of drunken rage or reaction to medication Woman kills five babies and hides them in a closet Trial for ringleader who shot and killed parents of thirteen Listening to the news about people who are rich and powerful or even the previously unknown “nobodies” made me wonder what is wrong with our country. It seems that everyone is going crazy or maybe it is just that people are fulfilling what the Bible says will happen. Romans 1:28-31 says: Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and mal

Sesame Kale Salad

2 good-sized bunches of kale 2 tablespoons sesame oil or mix of olive oil and sesame oil to taste 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 cloves garlic, chopped 3 drops of chili oil (or to taste) 1 tablespoon (give or take) toasted sesame seeds Remove center stem from kale leaf, then cut leaf into bite-sized pieces. Wash kale thoroughly. Sauté garlic in oils for 1 minute then add kale and sauté until tender crisp. Toss with soy sauce and stir until mixed. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve. You can serve this awesome nutrient rich food warm or cold. May be made ahead of time.

Trash or Treasure

Have you ever stopped to evaluate all of the stuff that we accumulate? When you have lived in a place for several years, you seem to load the cabinets, drawers and closets and maybe even the space under the beds with various and sundry items.   The nooks and crannies may be overflowing with things, just in case you might sometimes need them. Books and toys, games and wrapping paper, pictures and keepsakes, party goods and clothing….all important for one reason or another, and sometimes even necessary, but they sure can clutter our lives. They have to be dusted and moved and washed and cleaned and polished and sorted and organized. These possessions may seem like treasures to us, but someday when we have left this earth for the last time, someone else might wonder why we kept all of these belongings. I’ve made a purchase before and then a few weeks or months or maybe even a year later, I wondered why I bought it. However, I am certainly not like the hoarders that we see on TV where

Hand Holding

Last year when my husband, Tom, turned 60 we took a family vacation to Costa Rica to celebrate.   We arrived late at night, so after renting the eleven passenger van and loading up most of the group fell asleep for the trip along the winding road through the mountains while my son-in-law, Matt was the designate driver since he was familiar with those types of conditions.  The week was filled with fun activities. Ziplining in the rain forest was my favorite activity. Matt chose learning to surf as his challenge for the week. Billy and Tommy enjoyed the deep sea fishing which provided us with dinner one evening. Will was enthralled with the creatures, like the poison dart frogs and the red eyed tree frogs in the rainforest. I think all would agree that something that everyone loved was swimming in the enormous pool with its many bridges, and compartments which provided relaxation for young and old alike.  On the return trip through the hairpin turns on the mountainous roads, we were