Flu Shot Frenzy

I just got my annual flu shot. While I was there, a young child was also getting his. This boy was clearly not any more excited about getting his anymore than I was about getting mine, but our reactions were a bit different. I went in the brave soul ready and willing to pull up the shirt sleeve and take the pain in order to lessen the possibility of getting the dreaded winter ailment. The poor child knew why he was at the clinic and he was okay when his dad got his vaccine and things were still all right when his sister had her turn with the needle, but when they turned to him and said, ”You’re next,”  that’s when the screaming fit and chaos began. His arms were flying and his feet were kicking so that they had to bring in “assistance” to help hold him down. 

All of this was taking place while I was waiting for my turn, but as I heard him, my anxiety level began going up—would I still be brave and ready when it was my turn after hearing the commotion? Why is it that the actions of others can have such an influence on our feelings and emotions? In my head I knew that it could not possibly be as bad as he thought it would be, but it still made me feel apprehensive. The nurse did not do much to ease my feelings, when she lifted the sleeve and then said, “Relax.”  Something about that instruction make me think that perhaps I should be tense, because this was going to hurt, but no screaming and crying or thrashing took place…aren’t you glad that you don’t have to visualize that reaction? The injection was accompanied by deep breaths which were also an order from the attending nurse, but the reward came when it was over--I had my Snoopy Band-Aid as my badge of honor. I wonder what kind the little fellow next to me got.

The inoculation was for my good, to protect me from harm. It was less than a minute of pain (except for the soreness in my arm that feels like I was socked by an adversary) but will provide a season of protection. Sometimes we must experience the stinging pain in order to be useful to God and His kingdom. In comparison to all eternity, the suffering we endure will seem like a moment. So are you ready to take your “shot” in order to receive the blessing that God has planned for your life? Let’s be brave and roll up our sleeves in readiness.

2 Timothy 1:12 That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.


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