
Halloween is a day for children of all ages to dress up and pretend to be someone or something that they are not. They may be princesses or pirates, superheroes or skeletons, clowns or cowboys, but no matter what they choose to be for that one special day, it is just make-believe. And no matter how hard they try to play the part, the next day they will go back to being the children that they really are. 

You know kids are not the only ones who pretend; adults do it every day when they put on their masks and act as if they are someone that they are not. Although these masks are not visible they are still real. Some put on their mask and pretend to be rich, famous or successful. Most people would not give others the impression that they are lonely but instead prefer to present the façade that they have lots of friends. Insecure people may go to extreme measures to show how confident they are, maybe even hurting people along the way, pushing them to the side or putting them down trying to make themselves look better. You probably recognize many other masks that people wear; you might have worn some of them yourself. 

Don’t you think it is high time that we shed our masks like the children do the day after Halloween and show the world who we really are? After all if people think that we have no problems, they can’t relate to us. When we reveal who we are with our pains, hurts and struggles we can begin to help each other and healing and restoration in our lives can begin. So, will you look at your life and see where you might be hiding behind a mask and then take it off and toss it in the trash. The real you is much more desirable than a fake disguise. After all, God made you just the way He wanted you to be and He doesn’t make mistakes.
Ephesians 4:25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.


Christy said…
You were a step ahead of today's sermon with this one!
I was glad I had posted it before the sermon so people would not think that I copied Craig!

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