Good Friday Night

It’s funny what adults assume the components of a “good night” should include, but through the eyes of a child it might not be at all what we visualize. We tend to believe that we have to entertain them and spend money by taking them out to do something special, maybe to a movie or out to dinner or going to play Putt-Putt in order for them to have a fun evening. 

It was a Friday night; a night to begin the relaxation of the weekend and the afternoon had been pretty run of the mill. We had picked the kids up from school, had made a trip to Wal-Mart and then upon arriving home, sat outside on one of the cool October evenings in Houston, conversing with the neighbors while the kids played with the Halloween decorations in the yard next door.

After returning home to settle in for the evening, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were made for dinner and Caillou was the TV show of the evening. Margaret, Billy, Will, Molly and I were just hanging out in a house that was filled with boxes packed in anticipation of the move next week. Molly was crawling under the “leg bridges” made around the coffee table, while Will and his Dad were telling each other “secrets” from their day. We had a contest to see what letters we could make out of pretzels. There was nothing extraordinary happening, but Will commented, “This is a good night” and you know… he was right. It was nice and relaxing filled with people who loved each other. 

It showed me that we often times make things complicated by hurrying and scurrying around, rushing here and there, so that no one takes the time to just slow down and enjoy being together. King Solomon has told us that the important things in our homes are not the furnishings, or possessions, but it is wisdom, understanding and knowledge that are the real treasures. Maybe if we would all just take the time to consider this, we would simplify our lives and have “good nights” much more often.
Proverbs 24:3-4 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.


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