"I've already seen deer before"

Neighborhood Deer
As I glanced out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement out the living room window. A closer look revealed a beautiful deer. And then I spotted not just one, but two of them. One seemed at peace and sat down on the berm for a rest, while the other one was a bit more skittish, perhaps remembering our dog from previous years. I enjoyed watching the deer and wished that my grandson had been there to see them with me. So, the next time I spoke with Will, I told him about the deer and how I wished he had been there to see them with me. Instead of excitement about the deer, he simply said, “I’ve already seen deer before.”

His lackadaisical attitude can be a lot like our response to God and His Word. “I’ve already read it”… “I’ve already heard that Scripture before”… or “I know who God is.” There might not be any awe and wonder towards God, but there should be. God is amazing and we can never fully know or understand Him. The Bible is fresh and new each time you open it, so learn to be excited about opening it and reading it to discover the treasures God has planned for you each day and let him teach you about who He is.

Luke 24:45 Then he (Jesus) opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.


Amen Olga! God's Word is ALIVE!!! That's what gives it power for our lives today. Love you sweet and miss you tremendously. My sister just moved to Colorado unexpectedly so maybe I'll see you again one day after all! :)

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