Trash or Treasure

Have you ever stopped to evaluate all of the stuff that we accumulate? When you have lived in a place for several years, you seem to load the cabinets, drawers and closets and maybe even the space under the beds with various and sundry items.  The nooks and crannies may be overflowing with things, just in case you might sometimes need them. Books and toys, games and wrapping paper, pictures and keepsakes, party goods and clothing….all important for one reason or another, and sometimes even necessary, but they sure can clutter our lives. They have to be dusted and moved and washed and cleaned and polished and sorted and organized. These possessions may seem like treasures to us, but someday when we have left this earth for the last time, someone else might wonder why we kept all of these belongings.

I’ve made a purchase before and then a few weeks or months or maybe even a year later, I wondered why I bought it. However, I am certainly not like the hoarders that we see on TV where you cannot walk through their house because there are stacks of magazines covering every inch of the floor or boxes of items purchased at garage sales just because they are cheap, but perhaps a good cleanout might make my life easier and more stress-free. 

God tells us that the treasures of this earth are not permanent; that they can be ruined by insects or be corrupted by decay or even stolen. And we will not be able to take one object with us when we die. Instead, the real treasures are the things that will last forever, so maybe instead of collecting material possessions I should spend more time reflecting on the things that are important in the eyes of God and start stockpiling things that will be worth something for all eternity.

Matthew 6:19-20 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.


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