Mother Nature or Father God

Again, I am disturbed. I have just seen an ad in the local paper that says, “Teach a child to love Mother Nature.” While just the other day on the national news, a commentator said that Mother Earth was showing her fury in regards to the number of volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc that were happening.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love nature and am in wonder of the seasons and the intricacies of plants, animals, weather and the rest of creation, but I have to ask why is it so easy for people to accept Mother Nature, but give not one bit of notice to Father God?

Could it be that Mother Earth is safe? Everyone can accept her and believe that she is in control of creation after all, you don’t have to really know her or have a relationship with her. It is non-threatening. Father God is another story; He confronts us with our sin and tells us that we need His Son, Jesus Christ as a Savior. People don’t want to hear that, it is “offensive”. But what is more offensive--to have a safe Mother Earth while we are alive, but who can do us no good upon death, or to have a loving Father God, who cares enough to tell us the truth and gives us the choice of living eternally with Him. I will take Father God any day. He is the Creator of the universe and He sustains it by His power and by His Word. In the Bible He told us all about how He formed and fashioned it so that it would be perfect for mankind. Why would He do that if He didn’t love us?

So instead of having a campaign to teach our children to love Mother Earth, why don’t we have a campaign to teach our children to love Father God? Will you join me with this by starting in your own home, your own neighborhood, your own church? And then let’s take it to the ends of the earth. 

Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.


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