Birth or Rebirth

How can anyone experience the miracle of birth and not believe in the Divine Creator?
When you think that two minuscule groups of cells join together and then grow and multiply forming hearts and lungs, a skeletal system, fingers and toes in just the right places, it is not just something that could have "just happened." It had to have been intricately designed by an all knowing, all powerful, creative God, because if one thing had been left out or forgotten there would be no baby.
Yes, there is definitely a miracle each and every time a new baby is born. We saw that on January 9 when Thomas Froeschle Blake arrived in this world weighing 5 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches long.
But there is another miracle of new birth that can's when a person comes to know Jesus as their Savior. God takes a sinner and begins the transformation of their lives. Whether is it a foul mouth, sinful desires and thoughts, a heart filled with hatred, jealousy, unforgiveness or something entirely different we all have things in our life that God wants to change. The beauty about this thing called being born again is that it is not just meant to save us so that we can go to heaven someday, but it is meant to change us for this life.
At the first birth we are completely formed and knit in the womb to be equipped for living in this world, but the miracle at the second birth is that God changes us from the inside out so that we can live for God and become more like Him.
Do you believe in both miracles? And which miracle is the most important? They are equally important for if we were not born there would be no miracle, but to be born into a human body and then not to come to know the Creator would be deadly.
Now that Thomas has arrived as a little bundle of joy in our lives, I’m already praying for his second birth.
John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."


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