Lucky Charms and Magic Genies

After applying for a new job which seemed to be a perfect fit for my skills, talents and desires I told a few people about it, so as I went through the interview process they prayed and provided encouragement to me.

On the day of one of the interviews a friend brought me a card with a lovely pocket cross in it—to take with me. I felt confident in the process, so it was just a waiting game. Eventually I heard the news that someone else had been offered the position. Although I was a little surprised and a bit disappointed, I also knew that if God had wanted me to have the job, He would have placed me in it.

Next came the difficult part, explaining to friends that I didn’t get the job. First the friend who had given me the pocket cross. Her response was, “Well it didn’t work.” But I quickly responded, “Oh yes it did. God must not have wanted me in the new role.”

The next day another friend called to check and see if I had heard anything and when I told her the news, she responded by saying, “But… I was praying for you. God didn’t answer my prayer.”

Again I had to snicker and replied, “Oh yes he did answer. He said that He had better plans for me and didn’t want me to change jobs.”

God is not our lucky charm or our magic genie that grants us 3 wishes. We often don’t get what we think we want and need, but He knows best. Are we seeking Him or only the things we want from Him? We shouldn’t try to talk Him into something based on our works or merit. He is sovereign and wants to answer in the best way possible. After all He sees the complete picture from beginning to end; we only see one little segment at a time.

Lord help me to trust you completely with the tiniest details to the monumental plans of my life.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Here is a great quote from Max Lucado that has a similar message, "I believe there is great power in prayer. I believe God heals the wounded, and that He can raise the dead. But I don't believe we tell God what to do and when to do it. You see, there is a difference between faith and presumption. There is a difference between believing He's the Almighty God and demanding He become our divine servant."


Unknown said…
My number one way of staying happy is living by your above teaching Olga! Some time ago a friend in a difficult life moment told me," If God is OK with it, than I am OK with it." That is true trust in God. I loved her faith, and now I too use that quote to stay on course. -Liisa Guida
C. Murphy said…
So true Olga. Thank you for the reminder God is for us and knows our best way.
Loida said…
We don't have a drop in the ocean compared to God......I think obeying and trusting in Him even when it's hard is honoring to Him.....Love and adore God with all your heart, mind, and soul...

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