Challenging Question

While recently spending time with my grandson, Will, he asked me the question, “Why do you talk about Jesus so much?” My quick reply was “Because I love Him.” I thought it was an interesting question for a 5 year old, but it made me realize the importance of the words we speak. Others are evaluating and processing our words even if we don’t know it. They can quickly tell our thoughts, our passions, our desires and our heart just by what they hear coming out of our mouths.

I have a challenge for myself and for you. Examine the words that come from your mouth during a regular week and see what your conversations revolve around. Notice, I said a regular week because that will be most telling. If you have a problem or something out of the ordinary going on it will probably be the focus of your words and will not be a true evaluation. It might be helpful to just jot down on a notepad what you talk about—finances, fashion, people, health, scripture, praise, news, job, complaints/compliments, shopping—you get the picture. Then at the end of the week, check and see what you focused on most. 

When I have spent time with Jesus by reading and studying my Bible and when I have been in prayer with Him and when I am around others who love Jesus like I do, I find I am talking about Him more. The opposite is also true, if I am not spending my time the way I should, my conversations will not be what they should.

I am challenged by my grandson’s question; I want him to always hear me talking about Jesus…in the good times and bad, all throughout the day, because Jesus is my Savior, my friend, my all in all.

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.


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