The Ripple Effect

A devastating earthquake happens in Japan, throwing off a tsunami of great magnitude which completely destroys areas of that country, even changing the coastline. It is a horrific event, but it does not just affect Japan, because it causes ocean turbulence to speed across the ocean to Hawaii and even as far as the western coast of our country. The event affects us all in some way or another, some economically, some relationally, some physically, some emotionally and some politically. 

It is the same with our actions; they affect others around us both directly and indirectly. Our behavior usually is not life threatening to others, but it certainly may influence them in a variety of ways. It might make a job more difficult or it could cause a broken relationship. It may cost you financially or possibly lead to anger and frustration.

No matter how small of insignificant you feel, you are important, therefore the things you do and the decisions you make are important because of the ripple effect they have on the lives of other people. As Christians we have a big responsibility not just to Jesus, but to the entire body of Christ. When we say we belong to Jesus others watch us more carefully to see how we live, what we say, how we treat others, where we go and the decisions we make. If we represent Him and His church in a negative way, it hurts the whole community of Christians.

Therefore let’s strive each day to make the ripple effect of our lives a positive one that makes people better, that enriches lives, that encourages others, that helps the needy and bring peace and harmony to a harsh world. Will you join me in this effort?

Romans 14:7 For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone.


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