Mind Invasion

I have multiple songs going through my head at once—You Can’t Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Good Golly Miss Molly, Deep and Wide, and If You’re Happy and You Know It—the reason is I have been listening to them for days. They are my Granddaughter’s favorites and I have been visiting her and singing them over and over again with her. 

We have all had songs that get stuck in our minds and the more we try to get rid of them, the more they haunt us. This just goes to show that the things that we hear invade our minds and even as harmless as a children’s song or a hamburger jingle might be, they can plague us for days. Is that what we want our minds filled with? Probably not, but there are countless other things that penetrate our minds because of what we are hearing each day. The music that we listen to, the TV shows that we watch, the people we hang with can also overrun the thoughts that should be occupying our minds. 

I have observed that if I am trying to memorize a scripture or am studying a particular topic or passage  or even listening to a praise and worship song, I wake up to those thoughts. They come back to me throughout the day and then as I go to sleep, they are still with me. Those are the things I want to be preoccupied with, so I must make choices each day—where I will go, what I will do, who I will be with. These choices affect our hearts and ultimately who we become. 

What do you find occupies your thoughts? Do you like it or do you need to make changes in what’s playing in your mind? 

Luke 6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.


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