Super Bowl Servant

Does God care who wins the Super Bowl? Does He control the movements on the field? Does He answer the prayers of one team and not the prayers of the other? 

I don’t pretend to know the answer to those questions, but there is one thing I think God does care about in the Super Bowl. I believe that God desires that those people who belong to Him represent Him well both on and off the field. If a player claims to be a child of His, the person must not steal His glory and take full credit for his talent and skill.

I believe that God was pleased with the displays by the Green Bay Packer player, Greg Jennings #85, on the field and in front of the camera. After his two touchdowns, he knelt in prayer and thanksgiving. And after the game, in front of millions of fans, boldly proclaimed—“To God be the glory.” He knew that it was only through the gifts that God had given him that he could achieve the victory.

Did God allow Green Bay to win just for that one statement? We don’t know, but I’m sure God was smiling at His servant, Greg Jennings.

1 Chronicles 16:29 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.


Christy said…
Wow! that was a fast post! Amen! I was more excited that he gave God the glory - not once, but twice! thank I was about the Packers winning! Just think of the impact if all the sports celebrities followed his example whenever they were interviewed!

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