Cookie Cutter Christians---NOT!

This week I sat around the table with a group of ladies, planning the second Christian Women’s Network of the Vail Valley. It will be a Priscilla Shirer Simulcast that is hosted by The Vail Church. 

As we gathered around the table, I saw a diverse group of women. Some married; some single. Some older; some younger. Some wealthy; some not so affluent. Some struggling; some secure. The one common bond that we all have is that we love the Lord and we desire to do His will.

In putting together an event of this magnitude it takes an army of people with varying skills and talents. At times like this I am appreciative of the way God distributes different gifts to each of us. We have our prayer warriors and our organizers. We have our techies and our encouragers. We have those with the gift of hospitality who want everything to look special and inviting. 

If God had made us all just alike, nothing would be accomplished. We need each other. The quiet behind the scenes person is often-times more important than the people who are out front, but everyone is important in their own way.  

Thank you Lord for putting wonderful, different Christians in my life.

1 Corinthians 12:4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.


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