Chapel Chatter

St. Luke's Presbyterian Hospital Portals of Prayer by Wendy Satsky
When I see a public chapel I have a hard time passing by without going in for a visit. It doesn’t matter if it is a hospital, an airport or even a cruise ship, I will take the time to check out the environment and spend a bit of time with God. 

Chapels can be very diverse. Some are more formal, while others are casual. Some have rows of chairs, others benches. Some have stained glass, and others exhibit paintings. Some are inviting, while others aren’t.

I realize that we must recognize all religions, since in this country we have freedom of religion, but I have noticed in some of the chapels, they have worked so hard to be inclusive of other beliefs that they have omitted references to Christianity all together.  They may have a Koran displayed and ready for reading and have the correct position for prayer for Muslims, but not a cross to be found or a copy of the Bible to be read. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? I do. 

Since the majority of the citizens in the United States profess to be Christians why shouldn’t there be a prominent display of our faith found in each and every chapel? Why should we be forced to see the symbols of other world religions, but not have our own to enjoy? You might think I am narrow-minded on this subject, but since Jesus claimed to be the only way to God, so shouldn’t He at least be included in someway in every chapel?

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Christy said…
I imagine you spent quite a bit of time in the St. Luke's Chapel! And what a special connection - that painting is by Minturn local Wendy Satsky - she was the art teacher at Minturn Middle School when Michael went there!
I had no idea she was a local artist. Thank you for letting me know.

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