Conversation Hearts

Did you know that Conversation Hearts are the best selling Valentine's Day candy? Over 8 billion of the hearts will be produced this year, which is enough candy to stretch from Rome, Italy to Valentine, Arizona and back twenty times!

Why are these hard chalky sugar hearts so popular when they really are not even that tasty? I happen to think it is because of the crazy messages that they display. Every adult and child can probably remember receiving a candy heart from someone they had a crush on and couldn’t wait to read the message to see if it implied a special feeling.

Some of the messages have remained the same through the years, while others have gone through transformations along with the rest of the language of today. Some of my all time favorite sayings are: Lover Boy, Be Mine, and Cool.

I understand they have retired the saying “fax me” but have added one that says “text me.” I guess they have to stay up with the times.

If these small sugary delights get so much attention at this time of year, just think about the messages that God has for us all year long. They never go out of style. They are meaningful for everyone. They are always true.

Here are a few of the messages that God has put on His “hearts” to us:
  • Everlasting love
  • You are mine
  • My possession
  • I will never leave you
  • Adopted
  • Faithful
  • Near
  • Friend
  • Cares for me
  • Forever
  • Blessed
  • Chosen
  • Redeemed
All we have to do is open His love letter to us—the Bible and page after page we will see these messages to us. These words are not fickle like the conversation hearts we give and receive, but they are the living, eternal words of our God in heaven given to those that He loves.

What is your favorite message from God?

Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”


Margaret said…
"I will never leave you!"

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