Praying Physician

While discussing a question in Bible study one week on the topic of pride, the comment was made that doctors often excuse miracles, by saying that someone was “lucky” or perhaps even taking credit for the miracle themselves. One of the quiet, yet tremendously wise women in our group humbly said that there are some doctors who don’t think they are responsible for the patients healing, but instead pray with and for them. 

This same lady had previously revealed to me that when her husband was a young doctor the two of them had discussed whether or not he should pray with his patients before each surgical procedure. Together they recognized that this would be a great witness and a good practice, so over the years he has continued doing so. As a prominent physician originally in Houston and currently in Vail at The Steadman Clinic, a world renowned orthopedic clinic, it might have been easy to set aside the prayer time, thinking he was too busy or he was too important or any number of other excuses, but not so for this Christian doctor. He realizes the importance of the prayers he offers up to God for each person he performs surgery on. 

I hope that I never need to have surgery on a foot or an ankle, but if I do, I can tell you one thing, this praying man would be first on my list to visit. Not only is he a very skilled doctor, but I’m sure that if he is willing to pray with his patients, he is also a humble man, realizing that God and God alone is really in charge of each and every person and their ultimate healing. 

Wouldn’t it be great if more doctors were willing to pray openly in public for those they are caring for? I am told that in over 30 years of serving and praying for people, he has only been turned down once when asked if he could pray for them. This statistic alone proves that people really do want to have a praying person care for them.

(By the way, this doctor is so humble that he did not want his name used in this blog.)

James 5:16b The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.


Anonymous said…
I am writing from Houston. I know this doctor and can attest to the fact that he is a man of faith and an instrument of God's healing power. He operated on several members of my family, I knew him at church, I saw him work with athletes, and through it all it was known that he was a Christian first.
Thank you for validating the truth!

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