What's crouching at your door?

My grandchildren love to play the game "hide and scare grandmother." They will squat down behind a doorway or a piece of furniture and then jump out, taking me by surprise. Most of the time, I am well aware of their location, but will play along just to participate in their fun. 

The Bible tells us that we have to be careful, because sin is crouching at our doorway; it desires to attack and destroy us, but it doesn’t have to have control over us. We can overcome its power, but in order to do so, we are told that we must master it. 

Mastering something takes time and effort; it also requires diligence and a watchful eye. If I master a foreign language or a sport, there is no guarantee that it will last without continuing to practice it. Sin is the same; when I begin to think that I have conquered it, that is the time I must be most watchful for more attacks.

Just as I can be aware of where my grandchildren are hiding, I also need to be aware of particular sins that have tripped me up in the past. I need to be watchful and cautious and perhaps even avoid certain people and places. 

I love the giggles and laughter that go along with being “scared” by my 3 and 5 year old grandchildren. In the same way, I might think that a sin waiting to attack me looks like it is going to be fun or exciting or harmless, but the long term effect is never any of those appealing things. 

My grandchildren will eventually grow out of playing their fun game, but sin never stops its crouching, its attacking and its destroying, so beware and always look out for the enemy. 

Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.


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