Uniquely You

Molly is my cousin Charlene’s dog, a beautiful 12 year old Springer spaniel. Although this dog is aging and is has lost her hearing, she has not lost her passion for living. Molly likes to be with people and seems to have a built in clock which tells her exactly when dinner should be served—by dinner, I mean her’s. She has a favorite spot where she can put her chin on the window sill and gaze out on the beautiful Cape Cod landscape, checking out who or what might be entering her territory. 

Molly’s lineage was bred to be hunters or retrievers and because of that she is very gentle with her toys. Instead of gnawing and tossing them around, she holds them carefully so as not to hurt them. She also does not like to be alone--wanting to be with people constantly. She goes out to do her "business" and like lightening she is back at the door, requesting entrance so she can again be a part of the group.  This too is part of the make up of her breed--to go and return when her job is complete. I think it is interesting that God created Molly for a purpose and she is living it out although she has never had to retrieve a single bird. 

God made each of us unique. He placed within us personalities, desires, passions, skills and abilities. When we try to change what God has given us or do something out of the realm of how we were created we will probably meet with some level of defeat or frustration. Now I am not saying that we should be apprehensive when trying new things, but I am trying to say that we should not strive to be like someone else, instead we need to be who God created us to be. Instead of longing for the life of another, strive to be the best that we can be in our own way, honoring and bringing glory to our Creator.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


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