Charles in Charge

King Charlie
My daughter and son-in-law were going on a trip to New York shortly after the arrival of their second dog and I was responsible for taking care of the grand-dogs for a few days. After getting lots of instructions, 2 crates and a huge bag filled with things to use for the next few days, I thought I was set. Lynn’s parting instructions were, “Charlie, (the 14 week old puppy) will let you know when he needs to go out by barking at the door and when you take a bath, take both of the dogs in the room with you.” Then they were off for a much needed break.

Since it was 6 o’clock in the morning, I returned back upstairs to have my quiet time, with 3 dogs in tow, including Roxy, our 14 year old dog, and the 2 grand-dogs. With all 3 on my bed, it was very difficult to have much quiet time, so it was humorous that part of the day’s scripture was Isaiah 26:3, which says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Next it was bath time and was obedient to the instructions and so all of the dogs joined me in the bathroom. I had just gotten in the bathtub and washed my face when Charlie began barking and scratching at the door. I thought he must need to go outside, so I grabbed my robe and jumped out of the relaxing warm tub to take all 3 dogs outside on the cold Colorado morning.  Charlie apparently didn’t need to go outside, because all he did was play, so back inside we all went to finish my bath.

As I was reflecting on how much I had to learn about this puppy’s signals over the next few days, I thought how wonderful it is that God doesn’t have to guess what His children want or need. His knows everything about us—our thoughts, feelings and joys and sorrows, our needs and our desires—there is no guessing on His part.

Psalm 139:2 You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar.


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