Bavarian Cream Pie

2 eggs
1/8 t salt
3/4 c scalded milk
1 c whipping cream
1 T gelatin
1/4 c cold water
1/2 c sugar
1 t vanilla
Chocolate crumb crust
Beat sugar and egg yolks. Then add milk and scald until it sticks to the spoon, stirring constantly. Let gelatin and cold water soak until dissolved, then add to milk and let cool. Whip cream and egg whites separately and then mix together. Mix cream and egg mixture to the milk that has been cooled. Add vanilla to mixture. When this begins to congeal, pour into chocolate crumb crust. Put into refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Sprinkle crushed crumbs over the top before serving.


Christy O said…
This is the first time I've seen this recipe posted anywhere else. The rumor is that my grandmother clipped it from a newspaper. But it is so good, and my family has been making it ever since--it looks exactly like this one! We use Famous Chocolate Wafers for the crust and sprinkles. Where did you get this recipe?
Unknown said…
My mother has been making this dessert for over 60 years. She got the recipe from my aunt, but that's as far back as I can trace it. It is delicious, isn't it?
Anonymous said…

when do you add the vanilla?
You add the vanilla just before putting it in the crust.

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