What's Your Fragrance?

The cedar candle at my desk is a yearly gift from a friend. When it is burning, the pleasant scent permeates the surrounding area. You can hear people walking down the hall exclaiming, “It smells great in here!”

Whether it is the whiff of a burning candle, the smell of fresh mowed grass, the soft scent of a lilac bush in spring or the aroma of a fine perfume we all have fragrances that bring us joy. It may be due to memories, such as fresh baked cookies upon arriving at home after school or a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove on a Friday afternoon or maybe it is the smell of someone you love. It might even be something as simple as the pure clean Colorado air or clothes right out of the dryer.

There is a flip side to the pleasing smells—they are the ones that cause you to turn your head in disgust. Perhaps it is the smell of body odor, spoiled food or poop. You know what it is to you. You don’t want to be around it. You open the door for fresh air, you get out the room deodorizer or you hop in the shower….anything to get rid of the odor.

Just as the candle cannot keep its scent hidden as it infuses the air in my office with a sweet aroma, we as Christians cannot keep our fragrance hidden either. Our fragrance should be the scent of Christ, which is either a pleasant fragrance to those who are Christians or a reminder of death to those who do not know Jesus.

What does your fragrance say about you?

2 Corinthians 2:15-16a For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.



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