My Latest Award!

This is my niece Allison Bullock who wins triathlons!
I won an award today, but before you go getting all excited for me or want to see how you can win one too, you might want to read more. This honor might not be one you want to receive, because you see it is not an accolade that I really want either. 

I went for my annual mammogram this morning and while there the doctor found some suspicious areas and wanted to have an ultrasound performed. While laying on the sterile bed, with my pretty pink robe opened and covered with goo used for the transducer, the hand-held device that sends out the waves which produce the picture, the technician declared that I had won the prize for the most cysts she had ever seen in a patient. How do you like that one! I guess the good part is that cysts are not usually dangerous, but still….

I have received other awards in my life that are much more prestigious than the one today, but there is a future award that I hope to obtain that will be more precious than anything received in the past or during this life. It is the verbal approval from my Lord and Savior when I meet Him at the end of my life.  If I hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” that will be my greatest reward. So my prayer today is that I run the race that God has planned for me in the way that will allow me to win the prize He has for me.  

By the way, I do have to go back next week for a biopsy, but in the meantime, I will just keep running toward the finish line. 

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Matthew 25:21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”


Beth said…
Olga, I am praying for you right now, and will continue. Please let me know how things go!
Christy said…
Sweet Olga! Praying that the biopsy is just a precautionary measure and that the results will show it's just part of your award-winning collection of cysts. Your strong faith will see you through this detour into the wilderness.
Thank you for the prayers. I am fully confident that God is in control of the situation, no matter what the results are. My prayer is that God will be glorified in whatever way possible.
Anonymous said…
How very ironic as I had not one but TWO mammograms yesterday followed immediately by not one but TWO ultrasounds - the second by a Dr. who said, "You have a whole lot of cysts all together and I don't know why". Also told not to worry, more than likely benign, etc. and, "You just have really lumpy breasts" Why thank you!

My biopsy is tomorrow so I can let you know what to expect!
Please do. I'll be praying for you.
Unknown said…
biopsy - "inconclusive" now I get to do another biopsy with the assistance of an ultrasound next Friday.
I'll keep praying for you. Mine is Monday at 8:00 AM and is being done with the ultrasound. I'll keep you posted. I'm glad to know who "Anonymous" is, so I can be more specific in my prayers.
Love you friend!

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