Two Little Monkeys...

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and broke his head, Mama called the doctor and the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed… that’s what happened at the Murphy house this morning.

We were all getting ready for church when Will and Molly decided that they didn’t want to cooperate, instead they ran to Molly’s bed and started jumping. I said, “Someone is going to get hurt.” No sooner had the words come out of my mouth when Molly and Will toppled to the floor hitting heads on the way down. Crying ensued, but also a teaching lesson from Olgie. I explained that my purpose in warning them was not to be mean, but because I had seen things like that happen in the past and had wanted to protect them.

This is a lot like God who gives us warnings in the Bible which sometimes seem like they are harsh or mean, not allowing us to do things our way. However since God is God, He always knows what is best for us. He knows the outcome, and how it can affect us, He tries to warn us so that we won’t have to face as much pain and suffering, but He also allows us to make our own choices. 

Will you heed God’s warnings and instructions or will you take a chance on getting hurt by doing things your way?

Joshua 22:5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul.


Christy said…
Oh my! You haven't even been there 24 hours and the grandbabies provided you with blog material! Hope their heads didn't hurt much.

Of course we adults need frequent reminders to listen to God who knows best (but Grandma runs a close 2nd!)

Good luck :)
Oh... I think I will have many more coming from this trip. I've already got several thoughts...

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