Are You Flabby or Firm in Your Faith?

A couple of months off from working shouldn’t make that big of a difference should it? It’s not that I was being lazy; during four of those weeks I had friends and family visiting, I was out of town for 10 days and after all I do work full time too. 

Before my hiatus I was riding my bike to work, walking during lunch, attending spin classes and working out at the gym. However, during the interruption in my exercise regimen, I wasn’t just sitting around eating bon bons, but I wasn’t in my regular workout mode. 

So when I checked out the weather report and realized that it was going to be beautiful blue skies and mild temperatures all week long I was motivated to begin putting forth effort once again toward my heath and fitness. With the leaves beginning to change colors all around me, I wouldn’t have many more opportunities to enjoy the fresh breeze outdoors before being locked inside for the long winter. That’s why I decided to get back into my workout regime by riding my bike to work. 

Up early with my backpack ready I was off to a refreshing start at 46 degrees quickly realizing that I wasn’t in quite the shape I had been in earlier in the summer. The pedals didn’t turn as swiftly… the heart seemed to be beating much harder... the breathing was heavier… if it had not been for my music pushing me onward I might have given up. I began kicking myself for taking so much time off, but it made me realize that no matter what shape our bodies are in, they begin deteriorating if we don’t continue to exercise. Even though my weight has been maintained, the muscles have lost strength and stamina.

So why do we think that our spiritual lives are any different? Do we assume that just by going to church once a week we can be strong in our faith?  It takes hard work to maintain the Christian life that we should all desire. When I am involved in Bible study, prayer and fellowship daily, I can maintain a healthy faith, but when I slack off for a few days things begin to change inside. Others might not see it, but I can feel it. And when I go for long periods of time without fellowship with my Savior my heart, my life, my words, my thoughts all start to crumble. 

Regarding our Christian life it has been said, “We either move forward or we move backwards; there is no standing still.” I want to be moving forward, don't you? If so, are you willing to join me in committing to a daily faith workout? Let’s not have any flabby spiritual muscles.

1 Timothy 4:7b-8 Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.


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