
I was feeling quite proud of myself--this taking care of the grandchildren while the parents were out of town had been a piece of cake. We had taken them to a movie at the mall and made it through successfully without being suckered into buying a single thing. We made it to church on time with everyone dressed and pressed. I managed to take them across town to a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party without losing a single child or my mind before escaping. We took them to the Houston Aquarium - riding rides, viewing fish and even visiting with my relatives. They had been clean and fed all weekend and now the final test…would I be able to get Will to school on time?
  • Bath and to bed early enough the night before—check
  • Lunch box and back pack located-check
  • Clothes and shoes laid out-check
  • Lunch determined-check
  • Alarm set-check
It seemed like all was ready and set for a successful morning; however, the best laid plans didn’t have such a good result. Although the morning started out all right with the lunch made and packed, the child dressed and ready on time and we were even in the car at 7:40 am as the instructions said
The trouble actually started when we pulled out of the driveway and started following the directions to the school. Should I follow the 6 year old’s directions? I should have known to follow the instructions on the paper left for me, but Will seemed so certain that his mother always took him to school a different direction. 

We found a school all right, but it wasn’t the one we where we were supposed to be. So we went back to square one—home to start all over again. But again we ended up in the wrong place with Will’s constant conversation about being lost, going in circles and he guessed he just wouldn’t go to school that day since we couldn’t find it.

I was at a point of desperation not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. There was a GPS in the car, but I didn’t know the address of the school. I had a phone, but didn’t even know the name of the school. And did I mention that I was driving a vehicle that was large enough to carry a whole class full of kids? There were cars flying in all directions who knew where they were going…but I was lost. 

We managed to find our way home once more, so we ran in to get “Grumps” who had been by the school on a previous occasion. With someone who knew the way we found it without any trouble. We were late, but we made it. The kids were already in story-time and as we walked in the teacher looked up at the clock as if to say to me, “Don’t you know what time school starts?” I felt foolish, as I admitted that it was entirely my fault, but confirmed the time that school would be out and you can guarantee that I wasn’t late for that pick up.

In life, we are all lost and need the help of someone who knows the way. We can go around in circles, continue being lost or we can reach out for assistance. God wants to show us the way; all we have to do is ask. He is ready and willing to help. His guidance is needed for our successful journey through life. Will you ask Him for help or will you wander aimlessly not having a clue where to go or what to do?

Psalm 25:4-5
Show me your ways, O LORD,
   teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
   for you are God my Savior,
   and my hope is in you all day long.


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