Violent Pursuit

The word violent has a negative connotation to me, because it reminds me of the news and all of the awful things that they report each day.

  • Domestic violence in the home which destroys children, families and marriages
  • Violent weather including hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, typhoons and the like
  • Violent crimes of rape, murder, armed robbery, bombings, etc.
  • International violence with threats of war and thousands of lives lost

None of these things are positive, but are vicious, harmful and ruin lives. Not a one of them would be pleasing to God and His best plan for the world. So I was quite surprised when I read that in order to have a more intimate personal time with God we should pursue God violently. 
I went to a Yahoo search for more insights.
Violent Definition (adjective)
  1. Marked by, acting with, or resulting from great force 
  2. Having a showing of great emotional force
  3. Marked by intensity; extreme

Using that definition it makes perfect sense. If we pursue God with intensity and strong emotional engagement, we will have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him. It doesn’t mean that we can give God the occasional nod and 5 minute devotional, but that it takes hard work and a large time investment to truly know Him in the way He desires and will reward. 
When we chase after Him in a passionate way, not only will we be transformed in our knowledge of Him, but in our service to Him with opportunities for sharing His love placed in our path, abundant  occasions to share the message of salvation and numerous instances to help others.
Even though my first reaction to “spiritual violence” was a bit skeptical, I now know that it is what I want. No more of the plain vanilla relationship with the God of the universe. I want to run the race of life with passion, pursuit and abandonment. Won’t you join me and see what God can and will do in our lives?
1 Timothy 6:11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.


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