Fearful Living

I’m rather used to seeing critters on the path as I walk. The beautiful foxes scurry quickly and the snakes basking in the sun slither away slowly. Even marmots tuck tail and run to snuggle in the rocks and wait for me to pass, but I was somewhat startled by the tiny little mouse that ran by me on the trail. The dark gray creature appeared to be a baby at about 1.5 inches long plus tail, so why did my heart skip a beat as it stopped, glanced up at me and seemed to want to chase me down?

I could have squashed the rodent with one small step, so why did he stir up fear in me? Mice aren’t big or fierce, dangerous or deadly. Instead they are kind of cute.

From an early age we are taught to fear through incidents that happen to us or by words expressed by others.  We may be afraid of horses if we have been bucked off of one. We may not try new and different experiences, if someone is always standing over our shoulders saying, “Be careful!”

But most fears are unfounded, brought on by ourselves. Many of the things we fear are common, ordinary, everyday things, such as spiders and bees. Heights, death, failure can be top on our lists of fears, but they are inevitable. Why do we dread them and avoid them, allowing them to interfere with our peace of mind, replacing it with apprehension?

King David wrote in Psalm 23 that even though we are experiencing dark valleys in life, we don’t have to fear. Why? Because God is with us. He is there encircling us, guiding us, protecting us, comforting us. God doesn’t want us to fear, but to walk forward in faith, trusting Him with each and every thing that could cause us to panic.

Why did I fear that little mouse on the path? Probably because someone told me that I should be afraid, jump up on a chair, scream and wait for my hero to come along and take the creature away.

Lord help me to always choose faith over fear, because you have promised never to leave me, but to walk beside me all the days of my life.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


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