Knees and Freeze

Ice skating is a beautiful, graceful long as you know what you are doing and can actually stay upright. Observing some of the little ones and bigger ones too, you know that they can easily get themselves into a bit of trouble. This was the case with a little red headed boy from Texas who was about eight or nine. 

The novice skater kept ending up on his bottom after just a couple of shuffles of his feet. And then the polished professional skater glided up beside him. She too had been watching him in his distress and wanted to make a difference. She gave him two words to remember--knees and freeze. The skater explained that when you feel like you are going to fall, put your hands on your knees and freeze, stopping any type of motion. Those two things would help the boy to balance and get used to the gliding motion without bruising his bottom. 

It worked. The little guy would slide along for a couple of steps and his hands would go to his knees, stop movement and then he could continue on once he had caught his balance. Soon he was skating across the rink with more confidence.

Those two words can be used not just on the ice rink, but whenever we are in any kind of shaky situation. When we feel the first bit of discomfort, if we will remember to just fall to our knees in prayer and then freeze there for a few minutes talking with our Heavenly Father about the situation, we can arise and go forward with confidence knowing that we don't have to be in control, because the One who can actually do something has been put in charge. 

So next time you feel like you are falling on your bottom, just remember--Knees and Freeze.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.


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