The Perfect Nandina Bush

The little nandina bush was nestled up perfectly in the corner of the drive at Mother's house. I commented about its perfection and mother laughed and replied that the little plant could have been entirely different. It had taken lots of dedicated work to turn it into the beautifully landscaped object. 

First it had to be planted in the right place so that its loveliness would be displayed properly, but that was merely the beginning. The most important steps were to prop it up in certain places to strengthen and train it to grow in the right direction and to prune off the branches that were growing in the wrong direction.

God does the same thing with us. He plants us in just the perfect place to use our skills, our talents and our experiences to benefit others and help bring about His will. He props us through fellowship with others who encourage us, through reading His Word and through developing a deep personal relationship with us so we will be strong in our faith. Next comes the part we don't always like--the pruning. He cuts away sin that displeases Him, plucks people from your life that lead you astray, and lops off little distractions that take your focus from Him and His desires for us.

All of these things are done out of love for us and so that we can be useful to Him.

Do you want to be a perfect specimen like the little nandina bush? Then yield to God’s planting, propping and lopping, instead of trying to do it your way.

John 15:5 Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.


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