Rat Reproduction

A fun fact for the week in our company newsletter said: Rats multiply so quickly that in 19 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. I don’t know the source or even what it has to do with my company, but assuming it is true, that’s a whole lot of babies and if it’s not true, I still believe that a pair of rats can have hundreds of offspring in a short period of time. Rats reproduce profusely.

On the internet I have read that the record for human reproduction in a lifetime is 69 children to one woman which includes many twins, triplets and quintuplets to get to that number. Now that seems like a bunch of children even though it pales in comparison to the rat family’s offspring. 

Have you ever stopped to think about reproduction of Christians coming to faith (not by the number of children they have, but how many actually come into the family of God)? How fast do they reproduce? How do they reproduce? Are they actually reproducing?

My friend who lives in China and attends the state sanctioned church posted a picture that showed the jam packed church in a frenzy clamoring to get Bibles that they were passing out. They are hungry to read the Bible and learn about God. It may be the fastest growing country in the Christian faith.

Another friend sent me a newsletter with information about Christians in India and how they desire to learn about Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

So what’s wrong in this country? Fewer people are proclaiming that they are Christian than in previous years.

According to Christianity Today, in the past people would say they were Christians when they really weren’t. It is probably a good thing that they don’t profess faith if they really don’t believe in Jesus.

The magazine also says that there are currently three categories of Christians:

  1. Cultural Christians–is made up of people who believe themselves to be Christians simply because their culture tells them they are.
  2. Congregational Christians–is similar to the first group, except these individuals at least have some connection to a church.
  3. Convictional Christians–is made up of people who are actually living according to their faith.  
Convictional Christians, which makes up about 25% of all Americans, is the most important group, because their faith makes a difference in the way they live. That’s the group I want to be reproducing. If people see a difference in the way we live, they will desire to be a part of that group. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our actions, our words and our lives were so appealing that we would not just hold steady in our number, but that we would start reproducing as fast as rats with hundreds or thousands of offspring? It’s not up to pastors or evangelists, but you and me. If we each start doing our part, we could change the world. Are you in?

Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.


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