The Useless Broom

The sight of the tacky, weathered, worn out old broom in my mother’s garage appalled me. Why would she keep something like that? Did she think she couldn’t afford a new broom?

So I suggested getting rid of the ancient artifact, offering to go and purchase a new one for her. She was horrified at the thought and quickly informed me that new brooms weren’t nearly as good as that one. She finished by saying that she and Lewis would fight over being able to use it, because it gets into places that the larger new ones can’t and it cleans up better than others too.

What looked like a useless item, destined for the trash proved me wrong. I would have thrown it away, but it was functional and had purpose in my mother’s eyes.

Do we do this same thing with people? Do we look at them and wonder what their purpose is if it doesn’t fit our mold for what they should be doing or accomplishing? Do we even sometimes view them as being useless? Do we see them as too young, too old or uneducated to be useful?

I shutter to think that I have probably done this, but I am wrong, because God has a plan and purpose for each person that He has created in His own image.

Lord forgive me for ever thinking that a person is beyond being used for Your purpose. Help me instead to see their value and worth and to encourage them in fulfilling the function You intended for their life.

2 Timothy 2:21 If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work. (NLT)


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