Square Egg

Our local NBC news station recently told about a new invention that allows you to make a square egg. It was on the segment called “Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier,” but I didn't realize that making a square egg would make my life easier than making an oval one. In fact I think just having one more piece of equipment in my kitchen makes my life more complicated. My drawers are already filled with gadgets that have been used only once or twice for special occasions purchased in hopes of making life easier.

One of the newscasters questioned who would want or need a square egg, I happen to agree. It seems that the way it works is that you cook your hard boiled egg as usual, peel it and then shove it into the square slot while still warm and then squash the top down until the egg molds into the shape of a cube. I wonder how the egg feels about it. Does it want to change shape? Does it want to be made to conform to someone else's expectation? Does it like being crammed into a small space and then pushed until it hurts?

Don't we do that with people too? We try to make them fit into our mold. God didn't make all of us the same; instead He made us unique and special and when we try to make them into something different than they were created to be we are not allowing God's purpose to be fulfilled. Each person should be appreciated for how God wired them.

  • Some talkative, others quiet
  • Some good at math, others good at writing
  • Some athletic, others gifted in music
  • Some responsible, others carefree
  • Some think globally, others detail oriented

Early in life we tend to think that our way is right and we try to make other people to be like us. We try to mold them into who we think they should be, but as I have gotten older, I have gained more of an appreciation for the differences in others. I now realize that I am not perfect…not even close, but God has given me certain gifts and skills and talents that make me special.

So I won’t try to make you into a square egg and please don’t try to make me one either.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.


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