Put Downs

Do other people sometimes make your feel inadequate or put down?

This was a recent experience with a friend who was visiting. No...they didn't make me feel that way, but they had been put in that position. You see they were attending a wedding in Bachelor Gulch for the weekend and had intended on staying at a ritzy hotel property, but upon going up the hill, they were stopped at the guard gate and asked if they were on their way to work--#1 hurt. The second experience was driving into the valet area and having the attendant upset over the tip. But the final blow came as they were visiting with some of the other guests in attendance.

There was a young man; you would most likely recognize him because you have probably encountered the type. He was dressed in his sport coat with his bright orange tie, no socks with loafers. His attire was the first indicator, but when he opened his mouth, the rest was revealed. He was the best at everything, had been everywhere and was in general a “know it all” and could care less that anyone else had anything to say because he was better than they were anyway.

Three strikes and my friends had experienced enough for the afternoon. A call was made and the plea placed. They wanted to come and stay with us.

What a compliment! They wanted a safe haven where they would be loved and accepted for who they are and not be judged by others making assumptions.

They made the trek to our house and we spent an hour just visiting about what had happened and then the conversation moved to other talk about what was happening in their lives. Rested and refreshed they were able to return to the wedding and enjoy partaking in the celebration of the happy couple.

Why do other people feel like they can hurt our feelings by putting us down? Is it because they really feel superior or is it because they feel bad about themselves and think they will look better if they can hurt you? Either reason is wrong. As my grandmother used to say, "No one is better than you and you are not better than anyone." Even though this is not a scripture verse, I think it is Biblically based. After all Jesus said to love our neighbors as ourselves. And Paul wrote that God does not show favoritism.

Romans 15:7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.



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