Aspen Eyes

Overheard in a dressing room recently—“I could never buy that dress, because it looks like eyes staring at me.” I thought it was an interesting statement since the eyes were looking away from the wearer at everyone else around her. How could a peacock feather eye on a piece of material make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable when there are real eyes resting on you all day long? 

 In Colorado there are eyes everywhere looking at us. We have beautiful, majestic Aspen trees that have “eyes.” As the lower branches break off they form a scar or blemish on the tree trunk that looks like an eye. Some are large and rounded; others are narrow and slanted.  Some bulge out and others are recessed. Each tree has many eyes looking in all different directions. 

These ever-present Aspen eyes don’t make me feel uneasy, but they do serve as a reminder that there are eyes always on me—the eyes of God. The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord are searching all over the earth looking for those people who are righteous… who love Him… who are fully committed to Him… who fear Him. God can see everything, the good, the bad and the ugly, but He chooses to look at those people who are doing His will and seeking His guidance and direction, so that He can give them strength. His eyes are not seeking and searching to try to catch us doing wrong, but to catch us doing the right thing. 

Do you want God’s eyes to find you being faithful so that He will be pleased when His eyes rest on you? If so, what will you do about it today?

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.


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